Monday, March 22, 2010


I have been starting seeds. I will post a list of those which I have started in the following week, including the plants that will be available for those who want them.
The first box of beets-and-mache have been transplanted, and placed on their rooftop. They are covered with a plate of glass I repurposed this WFSD.

I've lapsed a bit on the sprout/micro front, and have therefore been eating fewer salads. I'm missing them, though, so new ones will be on their way soon.

The cilantro I got from the spice rack has had dubious success in germinating. One batch must have been either toasted previously or just very old (though fragrant as a spice!), since it did not sprout at all, either time I tried it. Another batch has sprouted successfully, but I need to use a deeper tray for it to retain enough water. It dried out too easily.

The celery has been keeping well, and I will start more/get this stuff to Orayo, though I'll have to grow more fenugreek and onion for his family. The fenugreek from the spice rack has been very successful as well, but the micros and sprouts from it are less long-lived than those of the celery.

Carrot seed, ones I had from two years ago, grew very fast and well. These micros were eaten last week by the many guests at Cafe International at Algonquin College, where Tarek used them in his menu.

Today I will plant some flowers (marigold, calendula, giant pansy, nasturtium) and soak some of my tomato seeds.

WFSD = Weekly Free Stuff Day (garbage day)

Monday, March 1, 2010

For Orayo and family:

We planted fenugreek, onion and celery last week and I am pleased to report that all three have sprouted! The fenugreek is ready for harvesting, while the others will need a few days longer (1 week for the celery).